Diamond is the hardest natural substance in the world, it can cut through any rock or metal and can only be cut by another diamond.
There are four main factors that influence the value of a diamond; Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. These are commonly referred to as the 4Cs.


Carat is the unit of measurement for the diamond’s weight. One carat is equivalent to 0,2 grams. The higher the carat, the heavier the diamond and consequently the higher its price. 

Colour is graded using an alphabetical scale ranging from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The less color present in the diamond, the more valuable it is. Diamonds can contain hints of yellow, brown and/or gray. The closest the color is to D the “colorless” the diamond and the higher its worth.

Clarity indicates the purity and rarity of the stone. It is measured by visibility of internal “inclusions” and external “blemishes” under 10x magnification. The scale extends from “flawless” to “Included 3” in 11 steps.

Cut refers to the quality of workmanship and determines whether the diamond will shine or have a more dull appearance. The range for cut starts with “excellent” to “very good”, “good”, “fair” and lastly “poor”.


To maintain the sparkle and shine of your diamond it is important to give it some love on a regular basis.  Diamonds are natural magnets for dirt and dust and with time, these can adversely affect its brilliance.
Mix water with a few drops of mild dish soap and soak your jewellery in it. After soaking it in, use a soft and clean toothbrush and gently clean hard-to-reach-places. After softly brushing your beloved pieces rinse it with water.

To keep your diamond’s maximum potential in terms of shine, repeat once or twice a week.